Common Questions

What's the meaning of Opnuri ?
Open your eyes
When a person’s health is affected by any health symptom, changes occur in the body at the level of the body, mind and spirit, leading to an imbalance in the reception of events and their incorrect interpretation that results in adverse reactions from the body, such as nervousness, negative feelings, etc., when the person understands his body in shape. The right one, and his awareness will rise, will change for the better, and at that time he will discover that he was absent, open his eyes and see the right path, and this is our primary goal
Who benefits from our services?
For those who suffer from any chronic health problem and despair from the traditional methods of treatment and still suffers
And he wanted to get rid of his suffering radically, such as mood swings, lethargy, poor concentration, depression, various digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s, allergies, stress, anxiety, sleep problems, weight, learning problems in children, hormonal disorders, menstrual problems, and others.
For those looking for the ideal way to restore their normal body functions, effective methods of exercise, nutritional supplements and the best lifestyle
What is functional medicine?

Functional medicine looks at the patient and not at the symptom, looks at the roots of diseases, and tries to discover the real and hidden causes of the patient’s condition as a whole, depending on the physiological and chemical disease of the disease. It is like an umbrella that covers all medical, holistic and alternative methods of treatment, and choosing the appropriate methods for each specific case

What is holistic medicine?

The Holistic Medicine School believes in the innate and healing ability of a person, and that the patient is a person and not a disease
Its goal is to achieve a balance between mind, soul and body
And when an imbalance occurs in that balance, pathological symptoms result, which begin gradually until the condition worsens and appears in the form of a specific disease.
Holistic medicine is very huge and includes, for example, kinesiology, esteopath, homeopath, acupressure, herbal medicine, naturopath, aromatherapy, oils, bio-resonance, energy sciences, yoga, relaxation, and many more.

Why us ?
There is a large amount of information on the Internet and you will find many nutritional and health advice that you can benefit from in general, but you have noticed that your improvement may not be as hoped, so despair and your loss of hope enter within you
I will listen to your complaint and analyze in depth how the disease occurred, then we determine all the factors affecting your health and work together to get rid of them, in the best ways suitable for your specific case from all the aforementioned sciences, taking into account your personal safety and not harming you in any case Of adverbs
And if necessary, we request customized analyzes
It is commensurate with the condition, leading to our main goal, which is to achieve a balance between the mind, body and spirit by discovering the error and correcting it and restoring the normal function of the affected organ and your body will do the rest
Your body is a divine miracle … and remember
(( We have created the human in the best way ))
How do I consult?

To do this, you must register on the site
With your name and e-mail
You can modify your profile and add a mobile number to communicate with specifying the type of preferred means of communication
So that we can serve you properly

What is a short consultation?
Duration is 15 minutes
Be to inquire about a specific and specific topic
There is no follow-up
It is requested by clicking on the icon assigned to it on the main page
What is a long counsultation?

One hour long consultation
It is divided into 3 sections
30 minutes of the medical history in detail
20 minutes Analysis and explanation of the situation and identifying the possible factors and causes of the situation, which we will work on together
10 minutes to select a treatment plan to follow
There is a free follow-up after a week for a 10 Minutes, to be determined in agreement with the reviewer
And it is requested via the calendar on the home page with the appropriate time specified for it